Version 100 (October 2024)
Release date: 26/9/2024
From this release, the following new/updated features are available.
- Streamlined group management. Adding courses to groups is now simply a matter of clicking on the course in the drop down rather than having to click the 'Add' button.
- Improvement to messaging on page for courses not enrolled in a group. Did you know that, as part of your subject subscription, you have access to ALL the courses in that curriculum? This is great because you can chop and change your courses at will during the year without having to get in touch with us. To make this clearer, we've improved the messaging on the page:
...and also made it clearer on the locked lessons why they are locked: - Minor updates and bug fixes.
Version 99 (September 2024)
Release date: 26/9/2024
From this release, the following new/updated features are available.
- Minor updates and bug fixes.
Version 98 (August 2024)
Release date: 30/8/2024
From this release, the following new/updated features are available.
- Minor updates and bug fixes.
Version 97 (July 2024)
Release date: 5/8/2024
From this release, the following new/updated features are available.
- Confirmation of number of user affected by bulk password change. Before you apply a bulk password change from the user management section, you are now told how many passwords you are about to change.
- Other updates and bug fixes.
Version 96 (June 2024)
Release date: 15/06/2024
From this release, the following new/updated features are available.
- Time allowed for printable exam papers. When you set a printable exam through our ExamSimulator product, you are now able to set a time for the exam to show on the front of the paper when it's printed. This has no impact on the assignment itself, it's just for clarity for yourself and your learners.
- Access to detailed statistics on watch assignments directly from the dashboard. It's now possible to see statistics for individual videos that have been watched as part of a watch assignment, directly from the dashboard. For any watch assignment with student activity, you will see the number of videos that were set as part of the assignment and, if you hover over this text, you will see a breakdown of the percentage watched for each video. The total watch percentage for the assignment is the combined watch percentage for all the videos in the assignment.
- Access to question-level analysis for test yourself assignments directly from the dashboard. It's now possible to go directly to a question-level analysis for each student attempt on a test yourself assignment straight from the dashboard. Underneath the overall percentages, you will see text giving you the number of attempts that the learner made at the quiz. Hover over this text and you will see links to a detailed question level analysis for each attempt. The overall percentage reflects the percentage of the best attempt. Note that if a test is left early without completion, then it is not possible to see a question level analysis for that attempt.
- Other minor updates and bug fixes.
Version 95 (May 2024)
Release date: 15/05/2024
From this release, the following new/updated features are available.
- Direct link to video in Watch assignment for learners. In a Watch assignment, it's now possible to go directly to each video that the learner has been set from the assignment page
Just a quick reminder that it's always been possible to navigate through the videos in an assignment from the lesson list on the right hand side of the video:
...or by using the 'forward' and 'back' buttons on the video player: - Other minor updates and bug fixes.
Version 94 (April 2024)
Release date: 15/04/2024
From this release, the following new/updated features are available.
- ExamSimulator assignment 'Back' button. In order to improve the user experience even more, we've implemented a 'Back' button for exam assignment creation and editing. Clicking this will take you back to the last page you were viewing.
- Loading animation for exam question listing. If you are building an exam paper and you select a lot of lessons from which to pull the questions, then we've implemented a new loading animation to keep you in the loop.
- Updated password policy. In order to improve the user experience, we have added guidance to all forms where a new password can be specified (your profile, editing single user details, bulk password changes) to clarify the requirements for a secure password.
✔ Contains a minimum of 8 characters.
✔ Includes both lowercase and uppercase letters.
✔ Contains at least one numeric digit.
✔ Incorporates at least one special symbol.
Remember that a good password is both easy to remember and difficult to guess.
Please note that no-one's existing passwords are affected by this and there is no requirement to change your password.
- Other minor updates and bug fixes.
Version 93 (March 2024)
Release date: 18/03/2024
From this release, the following new/updated features are available.
- Make "Assignment title" a required field. Previous to this release, the assignment title was not a required field, which led to a lot of assignments being called "Unnamed Assignment" in the dashboard. Now, the title field is required and cannot be left blank.
- Add assignment types to titles in Dashboard > Assignments. It's now clearer what type each assignment is directly from the dashboard.
- Assignment titles are clickable. It's now possible to go directly to the assignment details from Dashboard > Assignments by clicking on the assignment title (there is a little arrow to remind you 😊)
- Exam-level feedback box now has a title. The title for the exam-level feedback box is now more obvious and it's clear that this is the place for you to provide the student with feedback which applies to the entirety of their exam.
- Database server upgrade. The site is so popular with learners that we've replaced our database server with a much more powerful one. Everyone should see an increase in speed and performance.
- Quicker way to add exam questions to an exam paper template. Those of you who are familiar with mobile/tablet view for building exams will have noticed that there are two ways to add exam questions from the filtered list of questions to the paper template: drag and drop and the shortcut '+' sign. Now we bring the same functionality to desktop. You can either drag questions from the filtered list into the template or click the '+' sign on the question handle to add it automatically to the end of the paper. Of course, you can still drag and drop the questions into the correct order on the paper afterwards.
- Other minor updates and bug fixes.
Version 92 (February 2024)
Release date: 19/02/2024
From this release, the following new/updated features are available.
- Tweaks to printed exam paper layout. We've made more improvements to the exam paper layout for printed exams set through our ExamSimulator service.
- Other updates and bug fixes.
Version 91 (January 2024)
Release date: 02/02/2024
From this release, the following new/updated features are available.
- New exam paper layout for printed exams. We have redesigned the printed exam paper layout for ExamSimulator to allow more than one question per page to save valuable paper when printing.
- Other updates and bug fixes.
Version 90 (December 2023)
Release date: 04/01/2024
From this release, the following new/updated features are available.
- Warning will display for customers with PE Data Centre if they are using an ad blocker. Some customers have reported that the PE Data Centre will not display on the 'Build Exam' page in our ExamSimulator product. We've isolated the cause to be over zealous browser-based ad blockers so, if you are running an ad blocker, you will now get a warning if you visit the 'Build Exam' page.
- Other updates and bug fixes.
Version 89 (28/11/2023)
Release date: 28/11/2023
From this release, the following new/updated features are available.
- Minimum passing score for test yourself assignments now visible. If you set a minimum passing score in a test yourself assignment which is greater than 0%, then it will display in the assignment details for yourself and the students.
- Question level analysis for test yourself assignments. It's now possible for students and teachers to see the question level analysis for test yourself assignments! You will notice that, as long as all the questions you have set have been attempted, that the results are now clickable in the assignment. We've improved the navigation to make this feature super clear.
- Reassign assignment button. For teachers, the 'Reassign' button is now available in individual assignment view as well as in the list of assignment.

- Other updates and bug fixes.